

From Our President - David Gallagher

AUVSI Wright-Kettering Chapter Members, Past, Present and Future:

I am writing to happily announce, that the Wright-Kettering Chapter of Association of Unmanned Vehicles Systems International has reactivated and I would like to take a moment to tell you about the Chapter. Over the last several years, we have seen a lot of advancements in technology and changes in the regulatory environment that will allow greater opportunities for unmanned systems to flourish in all major sectors. This timing to reactive this chapter couldn’t be more appropriate and I am asking for your help and support.  

The purpose of reactivating the Wright-Kettering Chapter of AUVSI is to allow those working in unmanned systems a forum to exchange information with the goal of advancing unmanned systems in our region.  The Wright-Kettering Chapter charter will focus on three major objectives: collaborating, advocating, and educating.
1.  Collaborating with other persons, businesses, academic institutions, and government entities in order to encourage the advancement of unmanned systems.
2.  Advocate on behalf of unmanned systems and to promote healthy and safe environments for the advancement of technology and the improvement of regulations.
3.  Educating the public and government officials on the benefits of unmanned systems technology and to promote unmanned systems in our academic institutions in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

We look forward to seeing you at the next AUVSI-Wright-Kettering Chapter meeting. Stay tuned for details... 

Thank you,

David Gallagher

Unmanned Systems Events

August 7th, 2019 - Springfield, Ohio
MIdwest UAS Conference

Chapter News

Stay tuned...

Looking Ahead...

May 4 – May 7, 2020 - Boston, MA