1. Advocacy Update: Buried in the DOD funding bill on President’s desk is the re-establishment of the requirement for the public to register their drones that weigh more than ½ lb. Any new Drone Bills in the works in the Louisiana legislature? (Cary Koch).
2. Recommend a meeting on the 29th Nov. in the AM at Mike’s Office to start Establishing the 501 (c) (6) paperwork (Mike Hart)
3. Membership Status: Latest numbers (48 Active members as of 15 Nov.) individuals. Last July’s Membership roster listed 74 individuals; We need to reach out to the members that have fallen off the rolls and try and bring them back on board (Mike Hart)
4. Status of the “Wild Apricot” accepting credit card payment from our web site with direct deposit to our bank account. Recommend a meeting on the 29th Nov. in the PM at ASC office to accomplish this goal (Joelle McGehee)
Chase Account Present balance $3,868.51
As of 20 November 2017.
5. Status of Stem outreach; ASC and the AUVSI Pelican Chapter held the “Drone Discovery Day” on 4 Nov. at the ASC facilities; this 1st event was a great success. We will be holding another event in the future. (Paul Charbonnet)
6. Conference Planning Scheduled for March timeframe: 16th or the 23rd? (All) (Cary Koch Advocacy Chairman). Next conference planning meeting tentatively scheduled for 01 December in New Orleans. Cary Update if NOLA facility available for this meeting: (Cary Koch & Chad Netto).
7. Sixth chapter member meeting – December 13th in New Orleans at Piccadilly Restaurant, 2222 Clearview Pkwy, Metairie, LA 70001
8. Next Chapter Conference Call: December 7th 2017 @ 3:30PM