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Message from the President

Unmanned systems and robotics are becoming a part of the news here in Nevada on a daily basis. This is an exciting time for our chapter as new markets emerge, new customers are discovered, regulations are crafted to support the industry, and partnerships are developed to foster growth. Your AUVSI Nevada Chapter is dedicated to keep you informed of these upcoming opportunities and changes. We will continue to help you break into new markets and meet new customers, all the while educating the community about the benefits and capabilities of unmanned systems.


Chapter Goals

Become the recognized resource for information, technical expertise, and academic outreach to the Nevada robotics and unmanned systems community

Serve as Nevada’s primary public and private sector robotics/unmanned systems advocate

Grow a chapter membership that effectively represents Nevada’s public service, private sector, and academic unmanned systems and robotic community

Mission Statement

Expand Nevada’s unmanned systems and robotics business growth through education, advocacy, and leadership

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